AnkerWork B600 Video Bar Review: Elevating Conferencing with Innovative Features


Explore the AnkerWork B600 Video Bar, an all-in-one conferencing device designed to revolutionize virtual meetings. Packed with innovative features, this review delves into the performance, design, and unique functionalities of the B600, examining its suitability for both home and business users.

Compelling Design and Build:

The AnkerWork B600 boasts a distinctive design, with a top-heavy build housing a large light bar that enhances both aesthetics and functionality. The webcam’s upper portion offers a 360-degree rotation and 180-degree tilt, providing flexibility for various workspace conditions. A fabric sheath adds a touch of elegance to the speaker case, ensuring a user-friendly and visually appealing experience.

Feature Highlights:

The video bar integrates a 5MP 2K video resolution, supported by AI-powered features and Smart Auto Focus technology. While its specs may not match some competitors in its price range, the B600 compensates with performance-boosting technologies. The 1440p sensor, coupled with smart auto exposure and color enhancement, delivers acceptable video quality for most users.

Audio Capabilities:

Equipped with a 4-microphone array and dual 2-watt low-distortion speakers, the B600 excels in audio quality. The built-in high-fidelity speakers offer clear voice tones, although volume adjustments may impact larger group settings. The four microphones with noise-limiting circuits ensure decent sound quality, making it suitable for home users.

Innovative Light Bar:

A standout feature of the B600 is its configurable light bar, powered by MagicSight️ and temperature control technology. Users can customize brightness settings, and the light bar intelligently adjusts to room lighting conditions. Additionally, the webcam recognizes human face brightness levels, automatically adapting for optimal visibility. The touch brightness control adds a convenient aspect to the front panel.

Software and Compatibility:

AnkerWork provides optional software for Windows and macOS users, enhancing refined settings like auto-framing and lighting adjustments. While Linux users may find limited software support, the basic controls on the light bar itself ensure adjustability. The B600 seamlessly works with Windows, macOS, Ubuntu Linux, and even ChromeOS, making it versatile for various users.

User-Friendly Setup:

Navigating the AnkerWork B600 Video Bar’s setup process is a user-friendly experience tailored to individuals of varying technical proficiency. The manufacturer has prioritized ease of use, ensuring that even those with limited technological expertise can effortlessly integrate this conferencing device into their workspace.

  1. Plug-and-Play Simplicity: The B600 eliminates the need for complicated installations by adopting a plug-and-play approach. Users, regardless of their operating system – be it Windows, macOS, Ubuntu Linux, or even ChromeOS – can enjoy a hassle-free setup. The absence of special drivers or codecs streamlines the process, allowing users to connect the video bar and dive into their virtual meetings without unnecessary technical hurdles.
  2. Compatibility with Leading Platforms: AnkerWork has designed the B600 to seamlessly integrate with popular video conferencing platforms, including Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, GoToMeeting, Cisco, and Slack. This broad compatibility ensures that users can leverage their preferred communication tools without worrying about compatibility issues. The device’s ability to function right out of the box enhances its accessibility and makes it an ideal choice for diverse user preferences.
  3. Intuitive Controls on Light Bar: The B600’s user-friendly design extends to its intuitive controls, prominently featured on the configurable light bar. Users can easily customize brightness settings and toggle the light on or off using touch controls located on the front right of the front panel. This simplicity ensures that users can personalize their lighting preferences without delving into complex settings, enhancing the overall convenience of the conferencing experience.
  4. Optional Software Enhancements: While the B600 excels in its plug-and-play functionality, AnkerWork provides optional software for Windows and macOS users. This additional software enhances the device’s capabilities by offering refined settings for features like auto-framing and lighting adjustments. Although Linux users may find limited software support, the basic controls on the light bar itself empower users to make adjustments independently.
  5. ChromeOS Compatibility without Complications: For users favoring ChromeOS, the B600 extends its user-friendly approach. The device seamlessly operates on Chromebooks with mini-HDMI ports, catering to users within the ChromeOS ecosystem. This compatibility without the need for special drivers or codecs ensures a straightforward setup process, allowing ChromeOS enthusiasts to benefit from the B600’s advanced conferencing features.


Despite its premium price point, the AnkerWork B600 Video Bar delivers a compelling all-in-one solution for virtual meetings. While it may be considered pricey for casual users, its advanced features, innovative design, and ease of use make it a worthwhile investment for those seeking to enhance their virtual meeting experiences. Whether for home office tasks or business conferences, the B600 offers a sturdy and reliable solution that stands out in the crowded conferencing device market. Discover the AnkerWork B600 online for an elevated conferencing experience.

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