The Impact of AI on Software Development Trends in 2024: A Comprehensive Overview


In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the transformative influence of AI on software development has become increasingly evident. As we step into 2024, the paradigm shift promised by AI is poised to reshape the world of developers and address the challenges posed by human errors in security breaches.

Addressing Human Error in Security Breaches:

The year 2023 witnessed a surge in security breaches attributed to human error, accounting for a staggering 74% of all incidents, as reported by Verizon’s Data Breach Investigations Report. To combat this, organizations turned to biometric hardware and identity verification. However, Ev Kontsevoy, CEO & co-founder at Teleport, emphasizes the necessity of moving towards fully secretless authentication in 2024 to secure vulnerable access points.

Predictions for Development and IT Security:

Kontsevoy forecasts significant changes in how software developers approach network security. The traditional IT-centric strategy with dedicated security teams will give way to a new approach where engineering teams take on the responsibility of choosing vendors and implementing security protocols. This shift will redefine the roles of cybersecurity teams, transforming them into consultants and auditors.

Rise of Low Code and Integration Practices:

Digibee anticipates three major shifts for developers in 2024. The popularity of low code is expected to surge, driven by the ongoing AI boom, enabling citizen developers to contribute to software development. Integration practices will reinforce better organizational design, while legacy systems will become obsolete. This aligns with the trend of AI assisting in analyzing vast data sets and reducing the burden of manual coding through low-code systems.

AIOps Takes Center Stage:

In the dynamic landscape of technology, one of the most pivotal shifts expected in 2024 is the pronounced prominence of Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations (AIOps). This transformative trend is set to redefine the core functions of IT operations, marking a significant departure from traditional methodologies and embracing a future where automation and artificial intelligence play central roles.

Shahid Ahmed, the Group EVP of New Ventures and Innovation at NTT, underscores the critical role that AIOps will play in shaping the trajectory of IT operations throughout the year. With artificial intelligence adoption soaring to new heights, and the prospect of achieving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and technological singularity remaining in the distant future, the synergy between humans and AI becomes crucial in the unfolding narrative of AIOps.

The evolution of AIOps has been swift, with an eye toward realizing the vision of a completely automated, lights-out Network Operations Center (NOC). The concept of a Dark NOC is gaining traction, envisioning a network center where AIOps is seamlessly embedded into broader operations, thereby enhancing network quality, supporting engineers, and modernizing infrastructures.

Over the next 12 months, Ahmed predicts a substantial integration of AIOps into networking companies’ operations, propelling the industry towards the realization of the Dark NOC concept. While the heartbeat of this idea lies in automation, the indispensable role of human talent is emphasized to ensure its success. The imminent challenge for network providers lies in upskilling their workforce and aligning technological preparations, from standardizing APIs to optimizing data processes.

As AIOps continues its rapid advancement, the intricate dance between automation and human expertise becomes increasingly evident. The transformative potential of AIOps extends beyond mere operational efficiency; it becomes a catalyst for innovation, enabling organizations to stay agile and resilient in the face of evolving technological landscapes.

In the realm of AIOps, the focus is not solely on automating routine tasks but on elevating the capabilities of IT operations teams. This shift necessitates a paradigm change in how organizations perceive and deploy their IT resources. AIOps becomes the linchpin in enhancing network performance, predicting potential issues, and proactively mitigating risks, thereby optimizing the overall operational efficiency of IT infrastructures.

The journey towards a Dark NOC is not without its challenges, and Ahmed acknowledges the need for substantial investments in upskilling, technological readiness, and collaborative efforts within the industry. As AIOps takes center stage, the symbiotic relationship between AI and human expertise emerges as a cornerstone for success, unlocking new frontiers in IT operations and propelling organizations into an era of unparalleled efficiency and innovation. In the unfolding narrative of 2024, AIOps stands as a beacon, guiding the IT industry towards a future where the convergence of artificial intelligence and human ingenuity reshapes the very fabric of IT operations.

Focus on Secure Software Supply Chain:

Chris Hughes, chief security advisor at Endor Labs, emphasizes the growing threat of software supply chain attacks in 2024. Malicious actors are increasingly targeting single key targets with downstream consumers, driving the need for themes like Secure-by-Design and software liability products. The debate around software liability continues, with platform providers striving for systemic changes to enhance overall security.

Meta’s Purple Llama and AI Safety:

Meta’s Purple Llama tool, introduced in late 2023, aims to empower developers and enhance safety in AI models and experiences. Nicole Carignan of Darktrace emphasizes the need for organizations to apply cybersecurity best practices to protect AI models throughout their lifecycle. The industry anticipates international collaboration to achieve global AI safety standards.

Meeting Regulatory Pressures:

Teleport’s Kontsevoy predicts an increase in regulatory pressure on software developers in 2024 due to the critical role software plays in controlling various aspects of the world. As Gartner forecasts an expansion of CISOs’ roles beyond cybersecurity, regulatory compliance is expected to be a major focus in the coming years.


As we navigate through 2024, the impact of AI on software development is undeniable, bringing about changes in security practices, development methodologies, and the very nature of how developers approach their craft. Embracing these trends will not only enhance cybersecurity but also propel the industry forward into a new era of innovation and efficiency.

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