White Castle Revolutionizes Drive-Thru Experience with AI Integration from SoundHound and Samsung


White Castle, the iconic fast-food hamburger chain, is set to elevate its drive-thru experience using cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) technology. In collaboration with SoundHound and Samsung Electronics America, the company aims to implement a state-of-the-art customer ordering system across more than 100 drive-thru lanes. This strategic move aligns with White Castle’s commitment to delivering efficient and engaging service to its loyal customers.

Utilizing SoundHound’s proprietary voice AI technology and Samsung’s digital signage expertise, White Castle is poised to transform the traditional drive-thru interaction. This initiative, initially announced in August, has now expanded with Samsung adding a visual component to enhance the overall customer experience.

Engaging Ordering Experience:

Mike Guinan, Vice President of Operations Services at White Castle, expressed the company’s dedication to expediting drive-thru orders for its enthusiastic customer base. By leveraging the innovative technologies provided by SoundHound and Samsung, the collaboration has resulted in an engaging ordering experience that resonates with customers, positioning it as a model for future drive-thru innovations.

Dynamic Menus and Interactive Portals:

SoundHound’s Head of Channel Partnerships, Mike Lauricella, emphasized the transformative potential of the collaboration. The integration of voice AI and Samsung’s MagicINFO display technology promises dynamic menus, allowing customers to personalize their orders and interact seamlessly with the drive-thru portal. This advancement is set to replace traditional static menus, offering limitless possibilities for a more responsive and interactive customer experience.

Samsung’s Senior Vice President, James Fishler, highlighted the role of MagicINFO in revolutionizing menu boards, transforming them from static displays to personalized, easy-to-navigate interfaces. The partnership with SoundHound’s AI-driven voice technology is expected to catapult White Castle to the forefront of customer experiences driven by innovation.

Efficiency and Employee Satisfaction:

White Castle anticipates substantial benefits from deploying a voice AI ordering system. The AI-enabled drive-thru has demonstrated impressive results, processing orders in under 60 seconds with a remarkable 90 percent order completion rate, surpassing previous staff-based benchmarks. The efficiency gains not only enhance customer service but also contribute to a happier and more focused in-store staff.

Bob Bilbruck, CEO of Captjur, emphasized the efficiency and accuracy of AI systems in the quick-service restaurant industry. With AI-driven order processing, input errors are minimized, leading to improved order accuracy and reduced operating costs. The positive impact on employee satisfaction is a crucial aspect, particularly in a challenging hiring environment.

Real-Time Business Intelligence and ROI:

Beyond the operational benefits, AI systems offer real-time intelligence for businesses. SoundHound’s Lauricella highlighted the capability of correlating orders with advertising campaigns and limited-time offers. This real-time element, coupled with the seamless integration of AI systems with point-of-sale systems, provides valuable insights for businesses, potentially increasing ROI.

Bilbruck stressed the favorable ROI of AI systems, citing automation paying off within the first year of investment. The relatively low cost of these systems, compared to hiring additional staff, makes them a cost-effective solution for quick-service restaurants, contributing to increased profitability.

Balancing Automation and Human Touch:

Despite concerns about automation impacting employment, White Castle has not reduced its workforce. Lauricella emphasized that the implementation of AI has not led to job losses but rather improved efficiency and employee satisfaction. Automation, particularly in the form of AI-enabled systems, allows employees to focus on providing a more human and personalized touch to in-store interactions.


White Castle’s strategic integration of AI technology from SoundHound and Samsung marks a significant leap forward in drive-thru innovation. The dynamic menus, interactive portals, and efficient order processing demonstrate the positive impact of AI on customer experiences and operational efficiency. As the industry continues to embrace technological advancements, White Castle’s commitment to balancing automation with a human touch sets a precedent for the future of fast-food service.

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